Acute effects of the sequence of concurrent high-intensity resistance and endurance exercises in recreational athletes
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This study aimed to assess the acute effects of the sequence of concurrent training (CT) on physiological, neuromuscular, and perceptive parameters in recreational athletes. Eighteen active men (mean ± SD: 22.00 ± 2.00 years; 79.40 ± 9.87 kg and 175.62 ± 6.35 cm) performed two CT sessions consisting of repeated sprint endurance exercise followed by resistance exercise (E-R) or the reverse sequence (R-E) in a randomized order. The E exercise consisted of 6x30s of cycling “all-out” interspersed by 15s of passive recovery, while the R exercise consisted of 3x15 repetitions near failure (1 repetition in reserve) of back squat exercise with rest intervals of 45s. Height in CMJ, heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE) after each exercise, and at the final of the session (sRPE) were recorded. The R-E sequence showed a higher HR at 10s, 1min and 6min (p < .05) post E exercise compared to R exercise. Significant protocol x time interactions were observed for sRPE (p < .001) being higher after the R-E sequence compared to E-R sequence. RPE was significantly higher (p < .01) after E exercise compared to R exercise in both sequences, without differences between the E exercises. However, there were significant differences between the R exercises (p < .01) being higher in the R-E sequence. Our results suggest that the order of exercises during CT affects the second exercise when performed in a R-E sequence, with more cardiovascular stress and higher perceived exertions.
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