Effect of aerobic training volume on VO2max and time trial of runners A systematic review
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Several conditioning indicators are necessary when performing running events, such as: the ability to sustain speed during a test and obtain good competitive rates in medium and long distance events. Purpose: This systematic review was to verify the distribution of weekly training volume during the preparatory phase of recreational runners and analyse the effect of this volume on maximum oxygen consumption and time-trial running. Results: The seven studies included analysed the training volume effect. A total of 120 adult participants were included with age of 27.80 ± 5.52 years, VO2 of 47.45 ± 7.82 ml/kg/min-1. All presented different aerobic training methods: HIIT, undulatory training, Linear, Reverse and Sprints. The interventions had an average duration of 10.00 ± 3.57 weeks. Training volume at the beginning of the interventions of 30 ± 7.21 km/week. A total of 59 adult participants with experience in road running and with performance in the 10 km and 1 km distances of 44.22 ± 8.43 min and 5.17 ± 0.24 min. Conclusion: The present review indicates that adjustments in training volume, specifically increments of up to 42% during the preparatory phase, can produce significant improvements in VO2max and time trial performance.
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