Upper-limb joint kinematics analysis of accuracy dart throwing at different vertical targets between different level dart players
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Darts has evolved from a traditional pub room game to a professional sport. More and more people worldwide are participating in the sport of dart throwing. In order to enhance throwing performance, it is important to understand the mechanics of precise dart throwing techniques. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the fine-tune control of joint kinematics with different vertical targets between different skill levels to understand how to increase the success rate and generate precise fine-tuning of the motor system. Eight advanced players and eight intermediate players participated in this study. A motion capture system measured the kinematic data of the arm during throwing. The results indicated a significant interaction in shoulder internal rotation velocity (p = .031) and elbow supination velocity (p = .047) between advanced and intermediate groups with the different vertical targets. When intermediate players threw darts at different vertical targets, changes in shoulder internal rotation velocity and elbow supination velocity were observed. Conversely, these phenomena were not present in the advanced group. Additionally, we found that dart accuracy or light weight throwing requires an more angle of elbow pronation and generate high angular velocity of wrist palmar flexion during the release process. Based on the findings of this study, these results could provide a reference guide for dart throwing to improve the throwing performance.
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